Monday, April 16, 2007

Tit A's

Tomoro will be my first paper; TITAS!!! I can never ever understand why we need to study it? The more i read the more i felt it's a brochure to promote Islam to university students.

It's always Islam this, Islam that. Islam good, West is bad. Good good good, bad bad bad.


The lecturer had a hard time wit me in the class also. Almost every class i had a disagreement with him. But we didn't exactly like came to a shouting tournament though. A lively discussion i'll put it.

I guess the author of my TITAS textbook never read about world issues...

One of the articles stated how one-sided West is in setting up treaties that favours only the West in weapon, chemical and biological (??) i.e. only West can develop and have nuclear weapons.

I'm like GOSH!! First they have the NPT (FYI it's nuclear proliferation treaty). Plus they're dismantling the stockpiles they're currently having now, from 5000 to approximately 3 or 1000 now. So, where's the unfairness?

Sigh... Another petty thing was regarding globalisation and how great Islam was back then.
i feel instead of just condemning globalisation (i.e. losing identities, Western propaganda), perhaps we should utilise it in everyway we can, yet at the same time reject what's against our culture. But from what my UTM TITAS textbook implies, we should reject globalisation totally and focus more in praying (ugh!). Whatever'll happen to the free thinkers man....

Aduh.... then it came of how great Islamic countries were back then and how the West actually steals knowledge from them and became so great. It really a pain in the ass of the words they used to send their message across. First, Nabi Muhammad didn't ran away, he was being invited to Madinah (itu pun the people of Madinah were asked to invite him (or Him?)).
And the West STEALS knowledge from them (notice the word STEAL).

I think the authors must be some sort of sore losers eh. Well even if they STOLE the knowledge, at least they put them to good use. And see where they are now.

It's been like, er, 1 and a half century? And still we're lagging behind the West. Why? But it's not like it's impossible to chase them in terms of technological advancement. Japan, South Korea and even China managed to do that. Why not us Malaysia?

Because the great minds are being suppressed and the losers get all the big chances.

Signing out.